Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Belgravia Gallery Presents

Belgravia Gallery

Belgravia Gallery is known for respresenting very well known artists such as Prince Charles, Nelson Mandela and Susan Swartz. Among those famous artists, there are outlets for Belgravia to advertise their charity events, fundraisers and more.


  • Belgravia Gallery showcases their work not only on their website, but on Twitter where they can interact with their client base too.


  • ArtNet houses a plethora of artistry from various galleries including Belgravia Gallery. Most work on Belgravia home page can also be found on ArtNet.

Susan Swartz

  • Susan is an american artist best known for her distinctive style and use of potent colours and richly layered abstract paintings

Original Prints

  • Original Prints is similar to ArtNet in that you can use it to locate original and limited edition prints.

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Belgravia at Home

Belgravia Gallery

Belgravia Mandela

Last Wednesday 1st July saw our launch for our new series of private viewings - Belgravia at Home. The event exhibited a vast range of work from our representing artists and collection which were brought to life in a home setting. Our launch was very successful with over 60 patrons coming out in support of our new venture, especially in such sweltering heat, and it couldn't be denied that the pieces 'popped' in the beautiful furnishings and the bright sunlit rooms of our South Hampstead home! We're very excited for our next Belgravia at Home scheduled for next autumn where we'll be showing even more new and innovative work.
We served tea and coffee in the morning – though on the hottest day of the year, most preferred elderflower cordial and cold water.  We also served champagne and canapés in the evening.  I’ve attached an image as well.